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Upcycled Mandali Necklace

Unique handmade necklace made sustainably out of discarded plastic bags collected in Athens.

By Théla


1 in stock


Upcycled Mandali Necklace

A necklace crocheted with yarn made from discarded plastic bags. The length is adjustable.
It is lightweight, handmade and vegan.

The bags are retrieved from the farmers’ markets and the supermarkets of Athens. Then, they are washed, dried and cut by hand into stripes to make yarn. Yarn is crocheted into beautiful, unique pieces.

Because this product is handmade, you may find certain imperfections in its symmetry and appearance. Please bear in mind that this enhances its uniqueness and makes each piece truly one of a kind!

Brand: Théla
Made in Athens, Greece





Additional information


10cm approximately